warframe hud not initialized. The second issue sounds like a connection issue as well. warframe hud not initialized

 The second issue sounds like a connection issue as wellwarframe hud not initialized  Accessibility

The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. You just have to love PCs. definitely normal hud settings. Restarting works too on occasion although I'm not 100% whether options were changed also on that. Update 33. 21. News;Not sure if this has come up before, but right now I am just too pissed to use the search function. I mean, the escape menu and crafting menus, (basically anything that would pop up in front of my warframe) are properly sized. I don't think there's anywhere that lists them all. New HUD soon ? ? ? or keeping it the way it is . First, add a slider to adjust the size of the elements on screen. 4. It includes features like floating enemy labels, damage pops (with Warframe style damage type icons where applicable) and a list of currently active buffs. 5. I think this. liger333 • 3 mo. I need them closer. Rapidly flashing screen. 通信は画面の左側・右側に表示されます。. It's safe to press esc once you see this on your screen: Alright, I recently got a 4k monitor. I'm hoping for some more in game options for HUD such as; Being able to turn off HUD Waypoint Markers, (The markers would still show on the minimap. This can be alleviated somewhat by adjusting said margins but they do not currently allow for the UI to act as normal on the center display. PC Member. Turning off motion blur significantly increased performance in hand held for me --. Hey there, I recently upgraded my system and started playing many games over three FHD screens using NVidia's Surround settings. 31. Various parts of the hud is much bigger now, in the options hud scale is set to 100 (lowest) Seems like a lot of people are saying the same thing. 1)The HUD motion. Not a fix, but a valid workaround if it works. Hello everybody, I have a little idea which I want to share with you. . A Beginner's Guide to Warframe. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Okay, I thought, I can adjust the. Doing tethras doom interception and the hud is frozen at 0%. ago--Ember-Prime-- {Lyon Arbiters} Reading chat in 4k. Changes in the field of view do it, and also cameras jerkiness like trying to track on stuff in Railjack, where the ship is moving, enemy fighter is moving, and the cursor is moving - especially if I'm piloting, the ship is also following the reticle, and they're not locked to one another (and I think there's a bug related to mice that causes it to use. 21. So i cant get this to load. Checking my status in the top right feels awkward, something like this would be a great addition imo. I quit the AXI Exterminate and restarted it, with HUD appearing seemingly normally, however, it froze and didn't change whatsoever, untill mission end. 1. It's safe to press esc once you see this on your screen:Alright, I recently got a 4k monitor. My HUD disappeared though and did not return for the rest of the mission. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Posted December 7, 2015 (edited) This might help: 1) change HUD size under Options>HUD>HUD scale. We tried to warn people in each mission, but most players don. . The leading Warframe trading platform for tenno, where you can buy and sell vaulted & unvaulted items along with Waframe sets, Parts, Weapons, Mods, Relics, Blueprints, Captura scenes, Rivens, Kuva liches and Sisters of ParvosThe Operator is the Tenno represented by the player, a young human whose Void powers are the source of their Warframe's abilities. 7 comments. We'll cover some key differences between the previous iteration of Focus and this one, explain how to unlock Focus, briefly cover how to unlock Focus nodes, and. Turning off Color Correction was one of the best decisions I made playing the game and I wish I knew about it sooner. Fighter (Banned) Jul 6, 2017 @ 9:50pm it said to rename the file WolfHUD and yes i do have the blt mod #5. By playing a nightmare mode mission and then aborting from it. Does anyone have the comprehensive list of the various status effects, buffs and debuffs icons that appear on the left side of your health bar?. Not including 4k scaling was fine back in 2010, but now that we're closer than ever. Join. Posted February 6, 2014. On chrome it's holding CTRL+F5. In Display Settings: Distortions = OFF. 兄弟们扎里曼进任务出现 hud not initialized 怎么解决 啊!. Maybe another hud color from interface options can help, didn't try. Already exists: Settings > Interface > Show HUD. Recommended Posts. HUD disappearing during Orowyrm boss fight. I like to downsample games like Warframe, as I can't use th. 兄弟们扎里曼进任务出现 hud not initialized 怎么解决 啊!. Steam Launch Options For Warframe. 21. Hi my name is Doesn't use the forums often, so what follows might not be a particularly novel concept. Not sure why it shows 81% tho , its 60% at max rank. Whether you're new to Warframe or a long-time player, this guide will cover everything about Focus 3. That means that if you have the same 4 people with the same HUD settings, then restarting the mission does not bring the HUD back. Thing is that makes placements even more inconsistent, since there’s an area. . Turn off motion blur. To access it, go to your Warframe in the arsenal, and click on appearance, the Captura button (a photo camera icon in a circle) will be around the top right corner of your screen, just below your. I joined a void run. I think HUD problems go under UI, right? Here are some problems that I encountered in the last mission I did. hi everyone, i just installed the game and when i opened it didn't show any ui and when i tried to open the menu to access the settings i couldn't and i get this. Resetting the HUD in the settings does not fix it. Posted January 16, 2015. For example, I use the Lotus colour theme with the Dark Lotus background, and the legacy sounds. When enabled, the HUD will by default display the Overlay Map instead of the Minimap. 8 comments. When I went ahead and switched warframe to 4k, the Ui became so small i can barely see things. Additions: I would like you to add new details to improve the performance of the HUD that I will comment on below: HUD will be fully customizable. The HUD just seemed mediocre at best and reminded me of other shooters like CoD. But I am going to replace my TV with a newer model and if the team could implement a Opacity slider, then I could adjust the transparency of the HUD negating the BURN IN effect. I use same launch file with same parameters and sometimes it works sometimes it does not. I've never had that problem in like any game I've ever played that had 4K. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Typically it is hard to learn something new once you are use to a way an interface works and then it changes drastically. 3. I'd like to show off some of the locations of Warframe - is there a way possible to remove the Heads up display (HUD) on Warframe - or at least remove the character from view on my screen. But these are not very well made for exploration currently. notice I have 0 health but still. Over time they succumbed to the Void's song, and transformed into these angel-like creatures. Follow. 6 (2023-07-27) Fixed an issue with decal clipping in the Zariman Ten Zero tileset. Step 2: In the left pane of the main interface, select the unknown external hard drive and click “ Rebuild MBR ” from “ Check Disk ” menu. Fish glowing in catch screen. Edit: I guess the main issue here is that with the new 900 series coming out from Nvidia and with them being so powerful and cheap, more people are going to have access to 4k thanks to DSR. The developers are right - we should not need it. First, i think a rigth way could be an option is put some UI and HUD elements in game, i mean, one example of this point is the game "dead space" with HUD and UI elements in holograms and others ingame visual elements with a togle mechanic to show them. A hotkey would allow u to show the hud for a short period of time if needed and keep it hidden if not. Time has passed and I figure out that could be interesting to share my thoughts on this here on the forum. It. Posted January 1, 2021. Comment any bugs you find please < > 10 Comments oinko sploinko Aug 12 @ 5:20pm no its not, upper right is the default. Dedicated sub-forum for all your feedback on the following: Character Highlighting System Conservation Accessibility and QOL Improvements Auto Melee Buffs and Debuffs in Pause Menu New Update History Screen Other UI / HUD Additions and Changes. ago. 3 - Show HUD when close to enemies. . im on 2560x1440 and I have hud size all the way down BECAUSE it goes off my fking screen anyway and I miss stuff. This thread is archived Warframe Third-person shooter Shooter game Gaming. Isolation Vault, Exits not working. Solution: The HUD should either be skinable or at least give the player customization/preset options. Yeah, that thing. WARFRAME does not have dedicated servers for PvE matchmaking. They apparently have been too stupid to see the difference between how recognizable "rubedo" is vs an "apple". • 1 yr. No minimap, nothing. You won't even be noticed most of the time anything tha. r/NezhaMains. Orokin cell farm in Gabii, Ceres & Helene, Saturn. But I have a feeling that only hud got upscaled for some reason, while game graphics stayed at 1080. ago. 兄弟们扎里曼进任务出. It would be great if I could have a hotkey bind for the HIDE HUD option that is in the settings, it owuld mean that I could take less messy screenshots and not have to fiddle with the options menu first. Dedicated Servers are servers that are capable of connecting client computers over the Internet. Issue details. ago. The HUD showing other players and the things they are selling freezes on my screen. If I'd play like this I'd have to strap myself to my chair so I don't hurt myself too much when I inevitably pass out from sensory overload. A: Warframe是一款以PVE为主的第三人称射击游戏。. Seems to be pretty random, but only roughly 25% of excavators DID showed up on the HUD for me during a ~8 round mission. Make sure Precision and RaceMenu. 1. I saw some posts from 2014 mentioning this and I still can't find a keybind to toggle HUD on and off when in a mission. Tried turning Hud off and on in the o. No hud will be visible (Warframe, Archwing, Pilot, etc) Link to comment Share on other sites. WARFRAME ON NINTENDO SWITCH FAQ. #1. There can be up to 8 to collect per mission, and each medallion rewards either 500 Standing. No minimap, nothing. 内 容: ©2023 Baidu 贴吧协议 吧主制度 意见反馈 网络谣言警示. The UI is essentially built out of separate graphic and shader. 4. 1. Basically, this guide is an all-in-one guide. Changing UI margin, scale, or resetting bakc to default not solved the iss. ミニマップ は画面左上に表示され. The key characteristic that HUDs in electronic games share with those in the real world is the desire to place information relevant to the current task within easy reach of the user. So since iv been playing harrow a lot iv noticed just how much we need to have custom HUD/UI options, Since harrow basically has 3 buffs you need to keep a constant eye to check how much duration is left on all of them. Can someone help me out?This is how bad the game looks now. So this is a reoccurring issue with the HUD that I’m getting on Xbox One. Hey Tenno! This seems to be some fallout from trying to fix an UI issue in the Circuit. That way I remember. . Posted January 5, 2015. I immediately lost my HUD and could not do anything in the game. You can also right-click the target disk and select this function. Sometimes the HUD doesn't even temp disappear like it's supposed to when you use your archwing. ミッションの目的. Tried in a relay and via the Orbiter Console. . It’s really quite difficult to. AbyssWalker_Art 3 hr. Check your settings, you can turn HUD movement off. Show Download Link. Medallions can be found on the daily Syndicate Alert missions as physical objects scattered throughout the map that must be interacted with to pick up. 不过游戏中玩家也需要对装备进行合理安排和强化。. Atlas is the second Warframe to not include an alternate helmet on initial release,. . So basically you need to pateintly wait until the ui animation is complete in order to keep your squad hud. Jump to content. while we can hide the HUD, i would rather just hide certain parts of it. What's more — can't change it back. these bugs mainly focused around freezing the entire HUD, removing the Revive button when dead and the revive progress bar disappearing or staying at 0% while reviving. Posted August 30, 2020. It is also extremely ea. Yeah, but we want the hud or the map to be toggle-able so we can check for directions if we get lost. Edit: don’t mean to be negative though, both Hate and Reaper Prime are in the top of my list for melee weapons. It uses completely custom fonts that are closer to Warframe's as well as many. VanillaHUD Plus is a updated version of WolfHUD with fixes, new features and compatibile with other HUDS and also can enhance the default HUD. I think they dont fit at all. (Reference to Fahrenheit 451 and not mentioned source). While I don't know if this is an issue with triple 16:9, the current HUD options don't allow me to get the important HUD elements on my center monitor (mind you, with Nvidia Surround my monitors are treated like one single 63:9 1080p screen). 本维基使用灰机wiki提供的免费Mediawiki平台,站点内所涉及的公司名称、商标、产品等均为其各自所有者的资产,仅供识别。站点内使用的游戏图片,其版权为Digital Extremes所有。本维基中提供的资料为多种来源的汇总整理。 Well, i'm posting on HUD, since most of this concept will affect directly here. Intro. HUD mod still not working. ) is located right next to your crosshair, but not in an intrusive way. Q: 我在哪里可以下载到游戏?. . Wanted to rejoin after a few months, and try the new necramech feature, but it is unplayable for me, because every HUD element - crosshair, abilities, stamina, etc - is scrambled in the middle of my screen, blocking sight. Granted this all could be improved with the Dev's inspirations using the assets from many of the more scooping type weapons. Also fixed the enemy kill count to not displaying correctly in Exterminate missions under the same start condition. I hope both happen, though the wall-desktop/TV-Wall is not new, it's decade old. Make everything at least half the size. (heal bars, laser to aim, munit. For example, in Crysis 3, players can use the visor to tag enemies like the following : I've been playing full stealth matches with a few friends, and. Just so you know, there's a "UI in screenshots" option under HUD that you can turn off, and the HUD won't appear in screenshots anymore. Fixed HDR mode not being initialized correctly if the game. CryptoOn a more serious note, however, I agree. How To Change Your Warframe. Warframe HUD. Fixed Void Manifestation HUD not showing to players who join a fight in progress. Initialize the unknown disk. Q: Warframe是一款什么样的游戏?. There are some beautiful moments in warframe, but in the time it takes to go to the settings and disable the hud, the moment is ruined by some grineer skinny dipping in the view and your squad mates being a mile away. Fixed a crash with the down counter; V3. Warframe. Also fixed the enemy kill count to not displaying correctly in Exterminate missions under the same start condition. What's your UI customisation setup? Most of you probably have the default, but I think it would be interesting to share your setup if you've changed it. . And if you want something retro with some information PDTH HUD. The same is true if you equip the reduce movement dragon key once in a long while. The last time I tried to submit a Warframe bug I had to give up to sleep somewhere after finding I needed to raise an external support ticket in an ancient alien website. A Screenshot of Warframe. When once finishing the Isolation Vault bounties and trying to leave via the exit portals have been unable to do so. This is especially noticeable for me personally when I'm trying to deal with Acolytes, as their constant jittery/janky movements make them extremely difficult to track in the chaos of battle. This is my first map so expect lots of errors. This tool leverages both Apple’s D3DMetal and the many years of CrossOver development to bring unprecedented Windows gaming performance and support on Mac. Would it be possible to create an option for us as players to enable or disable c. The best Steam launch settings I found for Warframe are the – nod3d9ex, -novid and -high parameters. Gripe: It's too much change all at once. hawasman • 5 yr. ago. r/Warframe. Requires HopLib - HUD - looks pretty damn cool. How To Change Your Warframe. For one, I think adding allies such as spectres and syndicate friendlies to the HUD as well as other players would help greatly. Before I go on about my additions/changes to the HUD I think I should clarify some things so we're all on the same page: 1) Since this is just a photo-shopped mockup of what this hypothetical HUD could look like in-game, its likely bigger than actually necessary, and because I do need to make. HUD themes. Preface if this is a duplicate, I tried looking for a previous bug but was unable to find a posting for it. I also say sorry, if there is another post like this. Syndicate objects, breakable barrels, and ayatan statues all share the same color and icon. HUD Freezing. PC Bugs. In my oppinion the game needs a new HUD, the same as it gets patches, big patches, to bring new content, moving the game forward, i think the HUD also needs to change from time to time, to feel new, fresh, as tons of games come out, it gives your players a wish for something new to keep up with t. In the near future, people probably either is going to play WarFrame in VR or on their blank wall. The game… After changing two settings, Warframe has become my go to on the Switch. So yeah, I know that the Zephyr's design is via the user. A: 通过在 游戏官方网站 上注册一个账户,玩家就可以下载游戏的安装器. We've come to the conclusion that maybe a 100+ FOV option could help, but that it probably wouldn't be enough. But we do. Hi, I am trying to cast to my hud and execute a function in the hud to create a widget from my player, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Page 1 of 3. Thanks for the tip! OstrichVsUnicorn • 4 yr. I found the trigger for this bug. After New War, the vanilla warframe HUD feels so much like it's from an alpha or something. Turn on motion controls and crank it up to around 50-75. There are still something that disturb me: those SOLID GREY BUTTONS in the menus. Fix disks that become GPT-protected partitions. (lousy teammates didn't even bother to revive me, even though they could SEE ME from where they were when I fell) 1) I am not wielding a Grakata, despit. Warframe is a free-to-play action role-playing third-person shooter multiplayer online game developed and published by Digital Extremes. These areas, on each of their releases, were massively hyped up, and fun to play. . More sharing options. Does anyone know what file the settings for hud margins are kept in so I can edit it outside of the game? I need my hud elements closer together, and the in-game margin tool won't go close enough. If I'd play like this I'd have to strap myself to my chair so I don't hurt myself too much when I inevitably pass out from sensory overload. You are heroic thank you. When you take damage, your shields go down and you start taking health damage (or it bypasses, I get it. All the most important information is right around your reticle. Please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and if that does not help then please send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ with a link to this forum thread and your forum username. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. Contribute to segabl/pd2-warframe-hud development by creating an account on GitHub. I tried increasing the hud. If HUD elements are not large enough, edit the number in HUD Scale. There are a variety of colors to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for you. ago. Use arrow keys to make it so that they're closer to the centre of your screen. I came to say this. Fixed active Warframe Abilities (ex: Voruna’s Ulfrun’s Endurance Augment Mod, Equinox’ Maim, Gauss’ Redline, and Ember’s Immolation) getting deactivated and reset at the end of each Stage in the Circuit. FYI we've just released a new version of the HUD. 1 in 7 stages contain an ayatan statue. Fixed Warframe Health stats not updating in the Arsenal when equipping the Physique Aura Mod. Yep, at least the cryopod/oxygen bars should be three times bigger, and the rest of the HUD could use a size increase as well. So this kinda goes with my Death Screen Request, but I would really appreciate some live feeds in the HUD that show the active damage spectrum as well as my DR, so that I have some way to understand the type of damage flying at me, it's scale, and the effectiveness of my defenses. Accessibility. Fixed being able to benefit endlessly from Inaros’ Sandstorm without spinning by emoting while active. Go to the Steam library. Step 3: In the window that appears, right-click on the desired drive, and select “ Initialize. In archwing alert my warframe died and no revive button appeared, therefore leading to mission failure. 2. Go to Warframe r/Warframe • by Virith. Honestly the only way Warframe PvP can not be a pile of trash is if it's non-Frames against other non-Frames. 4k support was not fine. I can't see the points being controlled or if im capturing them or not. Hotfix 30. テンノとなり、進化し続ける世界の調和を守ろう。WARFRAMEの戦況を覆すアビリティを駆使し、様々な武装をマスターし自身のプレイスタイルを極めこのアクションシューティングゲームの頂点に立とう。あなたのWARFRAMEが待っていますよ、テンノ。修正了从羽化之穹电梯进入歼灭和移动防御任务会出现“HUD not initialized”弹窗提示的问题。 还修正了上述情况下歼灭任务不显示击杀敌人数量的问题。 修正了潜行近战击杀不会计入击溃合一众“近距离击杀”挑战(近战击杀 3 名敌人)的问题。Create an account or sign in to comment. Mission Interface. 3. How to Customize your HUD & UI in Warframe - QuadLyStop #warframegameplay #warframe Customizing your HUD & UI is a very fun experience. So I was playing as usual, then had to go out and get some lunch, came back and booted up warframe and all was normal. Here's an example of a game called Blacklight Retribution which I used to play has the ability to customize everything in the HUD including enemy team's name color, target color, position etc just from a configuration file. Hey all, I am on xbox and for some reason I just can’t get the hud to fit the screen borders. i wish i could edit the HUD so i coudl have the heatl bar's down on the lower right hand ride of my screen above my skills, mainly because im more looking down there at my energy/cooldowns then at my health sheilds, plus on top of that for most games that is where that ifno is normally placed, so. Restart my computer even, and nothing. Then for a while, I no longer play. This is a total in-game HUD conversion that aims to recreate Warframe's HUD as close as possible. 不影响可以正常玩,只是你右下角的内容看不完整。. With all the slick new UI graphics that have been rolling out, I hope the in-game HUD gets a similar treatment. And no1 gets hurt and everyone who want it would be pleased. Not to mention the hundreds of Icons in warframe that look exactly same. . Left the game running while I went to go do some chores 2 days ago and when I came back the game was in windowed mode (normally full screen) and that the chat UI was larger than usual, i just turned the game off and thought it would fix itself. Then quit it if you don't mind quitting. Art, Animation, & UI; 1) Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! 2) Wisp Prime Access is Live! 3) QTCC Charity Stream Schedule 4) Join our Quest to Conquer Cancer!: 5) Cross Platform Play IS LIVE! 6) Echoes of Duviri is Live 7) See our TennoCon Recap! 8) Tennotober: is LiveAs soon entering the Deck 12 the HUD completely vanished. There are times I prefer to fly/run/sneak around without the HUD at all. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. A: 通过在 游戏官方网站 上注册一个账户,玩家就可以下载游戏的安装. It definitely needs to sh. Hahayeetyeet. A: Warframe是一款以PVE为主的第三人称射击游戏。. Ingame HUD disappeared? So I was playing as usual, then had to go out and get some lunch, came back and booted up warframe and all was normal. definitely normal hud settings. I am here to give the idea of Color-Changeable HUD (2. It was using proportional window scaling rather than fixed size (like the HUD uses) and as a result, could visually appear warped and not accurately reflect HUD placement. Does anyone know what file the settings for hud margins are kept in so I. Report. ago. The problem persists after going into Operator mode again, and back to the Warframe. But back down to earth. When I went ahead and switched warframe to 4k, the Ui became so small i can barely see things. Fixed Void Manifestation HUD not showing to players who join a fight in progress. PC. Searched "screenshots", but no joy. Right-click the uninitialized disk and select “Rebuild MBR”. Here are some of the issues I have: Dislikes 1) It is hard to tell how much energy I have -> Am I full or not? Teammate's health -> Is it full or not/have they taken damage. Everytime I start the Orowyrm boss fight my HUD completely disappears. It is generally not wise to assume any other objects state at that point, even if you find it by debugging, because it may change. Yeah Warframe has always been unique in how uncommunicative some people are. PAYDAY 2. Missing hud after Orowyrm in Duviri experience, been doing co-op with me partner. Maybe the user interface should be less solid and use an aesthetic more like augmented reality. Also try adjusting the HUD Margins if you're running a larger resolution display. It’s really quite difficult to deal with them. There are a few ways to change your warframe. The container slid down but the menu did not open. Transmissions will appear on the left and right sides of the screen. AbyssWalker_Art 3 hr. I think it would be nice if we could customize where the different HUD box's are placed for EXAMPLE: the team health bars always over lap the chat box on me and while i can move the chat box during that mission it will go back to its original place during any following mission. Update 34: Abyss of Dagath. -After this on left side of HUD, which is currently free, icon of that resource shows up with amount we collected so far and it would be ofc real-time ,always showing current amount. EDIT: Oh nvm for some reason. I'm sure DE recognizes this issue as well, and I trust that they're working on it. WARFRAME offers menu customisations using unique Themes and Backgrounds found in Options > Interface > Customise UI Theme. Go to Warframe r/Warframe • by Xrrnak. How to solve the “Baldur’s Gate 3 UI disappeared” bug. Warframe attached to a Railjack turret or pilot seat. I don't think this new guy quite yet gets the flavor or style of WARFRAME. : Language changing of the ESC menu, etc. When playing the game my mission aspect of the HUD does not update with the proper information it should. It uses completely custom fonts that are closer to Warframe's as well as many. 5. Anyone knw what I cando fix this? I've tried messing with the PS4 screen size, but no luck. Hey all! Months ago I started making some images just to show to my friend what HUD changes I was expecting to see on the future. The only way we found to stop the hud error, 100% of the time, was to disable the player-list. The other one is Volt's speed. Michaellone. WARFRAME中文维基. The Game Porting Toolkit is a translation layer based on Wine and CrossOver that allows Windows games that require DirectX 12 to run on macOS. Ideally, each warframe would have a unique looking hud in my opinion. Options -> HUD -> Adjust HUD Margins. Description. Shus. 0. 不过游戏中玩家也需要对装备进行合理安排和强化。. The effect on your Warframe is enough, I just don’t like my eyes and brain getting scrambled along with my screen and Energy. This thread is archived. . 兄弟们扎里曼进任务出. Sadly, even following all of these settings my friend trying to get into Warframe can't because of Motion Sickness. There's not much customization to it. Every opinion is welcome, but please keep being polite and respect the opinions of the other. Basically, a problem lot. We’ve made a wide variety of improvements to Warframe in some obvious, and not-so-obvious ways. A lot of games, such as Unreal Tournament 3, Borderlands 2, and Battlefield 4 offer UI scaling options. Made optimizations to HUD with missions that have blinking markers. Before I go on about my additions/changes to the HUD I think I should clarify some things so we're all on the same page: 1) Since this is just a photo. (In advance I apologize if this topic is on the wrong place. Both times I've taken the Orowyrm through the portal I've come out with no hud, it only comes back after I go through the spiral portal to end the mission after the fight, I'll run it again tomorrow and see if it happens again. Also, I am taking into consideration the specific UIs for certain frames.